Saturday, August 15, 2009

Harvest and Grape Stomp

Today we went to a harvest and grape stomp at a local vineyard. FUN!!!

First, Jay and Jane picked some grapes.

Here are all of the grapes they picked.

Jane wanted to eat them right away but we had to explain that they weren't for eating (huh?) but for drinking (huh?).

They put all of the grapes that the visitors collected in these big white boxes (you can see one in the background of that pic above) and when the box is full they dump it into this big machine they takes the grapes off of their stem and sends them down a big hose into the "grape pool".

Looks yummy doesn't it?

Then you get in and stomp. We waited in line forever for Jane to be able to do the grape stomp but when it came down to it she really didn't want to. Good thing too because she would have had grapes up to her neck, something we hadn't really considered when trying to convince her to give it a try. Well, I didn't wait in that line for nothing so I decided to give it a whirl. YUK! but.... really fun!

Here's Jay with a wine tasting.

Why didn't I get one you ask? Would you have after having seen everyone with their nasty feet all up in that? I know it's not the same wine and the alcohol kills the germs blah blah blah... still... gross!


Erin K said...

How fun!!! Where was this? I think we might go do this too.

Anonymous said...

Oh no....I love wine but I'm going to have trouble getting "nasty feet" out of my head now! At least the first few sips, after that WHO CARES!?!?!
Great post, glad Jane got to see the whole process.

Unknown said...

Aww- Delaney!That is were we had our wedding- it's it fun! We have not made it to a stomp yet, but darn it looks fun. Maybe next year. Now I need to text you a question- wink wink!

TLEB said...

I want to know the answer to that question too, Kristi :) No - I believe the whole feet in the grapes thing - disgusting!! I wanted to do this too, I wished we had gone! I've been waiting since last year!

Allison said...

Looks like a fun outing! I held my breath a little with "why didn't I have a taste."

Joanne said...

You guys!?! So funny! I am so NOT pregnant! and with Jay out of a job right now I think we'll be holding off for awhile on that front. It really was the feet in your drink thing. so gross.

Joanne said...

Ok... So turns out I spoke too soon...