Sunday, June 13, 2010

My New Favorite Place

Here it is... my new favorite place, Euless Splash Island. I first heard about this place a couple of years ago from my friend Jessica. Though I had driven by I had never actually been to it until this past week at the suggestion of my friend Allison. I LOVED it! The girls loved it too...
It is completely surrounded by a 20 ft. fence all the way around (so theres no worry about the kids running off). There are no pools of water (so theres no worry about drowning). AND it is FREE!!!
We had such a great time on Thursday we decided to go back with a play group on Saturday. I brought along my friend Julie and her son Caleb and we met Erin and Kristy and their children there. We all had a GREAT time!! (If you follow my friend, Erin's blog then you might recognize these pics because they are all hers. -Once again I forgot my camera)

Other than the place being locked when we got there and having to wait for someone to come unlock it, everything was perfect. We had great weather. Kristy brought a big picnic blanket we put in the shade under a big tree. She also brought the kids all buckets which they thoroughly enjoyed...

Erin's daughter, Sophia most especially enjoyed the buckets!

These little redheads are Kristy's kids, Mikey and Adelyn.

Jane enjoyed Addy.

I did too!
After playing for a few hours at the splash pad we all went home to take a nap. Some of us started before we even left the splash pad...


Erin K said...

I'm so glad we went. It was sooo fun. And yes, Sophia loved the buckets for sure. Great playdate!

Erin K said...

P.S. I wish I had gotten a pic of the look Jill was giving me after making her turn around and go back (when she was headed for the gate). Priceless.

Joanne said...

She's got some death stares that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

This place looks and sounds so perfect! Please, please, please let's make another playdate there soon!

Allison said...

The last picture is great! Looks like everyone had a great time - it really is such a COOL place! So nice to have something like that at a public facility - FREE.

TLEB said...

I forgot how cool (in more than one way) that place is ! I'm with Tricia - let's do another one there soon! (course I'm going out of town for the next 2 weekends so we'll have to do another one after that!!!)

jessica said...

What a great idea to bring buckets there! I'll have to remember that. I agree with the others, we'll have to go play there a lot this summer!