Monday, March 28, 2011


So, there is a member of our family that gets very little attention on here (and to be truthful in general). This is for two reasons. First of all, he's a dog. So his day to day activities are not exactly newsworthy. And secondly, the poor thing hasn't been groomed in so long that we don't really take too many pictures of him, even though he is just about the cutest dog you'll ever meet. Okay, so maybe I am a bit biased. But as of today I am proud to introduce you (if you haven't already met him) to our newly groomed and our only boy, Jackson!

Yesterday, when we picked him up the first thing I said to him was now he can sleep in our bed, which he NEVER does. And sure enough hours later as I am getting into bed here he comes. He puts his feet on the bed and whines to be picked up. I did tell him he could so of course I let him up and he crawls to the foot of the bed, walks a quick circle and lays down to sleep. And I think, "why?" Why when he NEVER sleeps in our bed does he come in tonight like it's an every night thing? Did he actually understand me when I said earlier in the day that he could? (I think probably every pet owner has been sure that their pet can understand every word they are saying at one time or another). Or does he know that I wouldn't have let him sleep in the bed before his haircut and bath so he didn't even bother trying? I suppose it's as Jay says, "He's just cold".

Ten reasons I love Jackson...

1. Look at that face!

2. He is able to ask a question with just one look.

 3. Jay and I have had him since before we were married. He was my first baby!

4. His playfulness

5. He's a great cuddle buddy.

 6. He looks cool even with long hair.

7. He lets me dress him up.

 8. He lets the girls dress him up.

9. He loves my kids.

10. Because he has always been right by my side...


Allison said...

Yay for a post about Jackson! We know how much you love him and how much he can drive you crazy. He really is just one of your kids! ;)
PS LOVE that one of the pics has Wheel of Fortune in the background. Let's have a "10 things Joanne loves about Wheel of Fortune" next. :D

Erin K said...

Love the last pic of you two!! And I love this post! It made me smile! So thank you. I think he's a great dog even if he does hump pillows and gets stuck. hahahaha! I still remember that bunko you told us about his prowess. But no, really. A dog that's good with the kids and cute??? Can't beat it!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! Dogs are part of the family, too. And that last picture is priceless...I love it!

TLEB said...

Awww - what a sweet post about Jackson. He really is your first "baby"! What a cutie with his haircut!

Meg said...

BEWARE! Allison is REALLY scrutinizing y'all's pictures!! Very sweet post! Lucky family, lucky Jackson!

Janelle's Little Blog said...

Aw. This is so sweet, Joanne! :) Gosh everyone else already said all the good comments--so, ditto!

Anonymous said...

We love Jackson too. MawMaw & PawPaw