Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jena's Valentine Photo Shoot

 I did a quick photo shoot with Jena in her Valentine t-shirt my mom made. The girls are also going tomorrow to get portraits in the full outfit, including skirts my mom made them but I thought I would share these a little early.
 When Jill saw I was taking pictures of Jena she tried moving in on her photo shoot. Here you can see a lock of Jill's hair as she was hoisting herself on the couch to sit in front of Jena.
So, of course, I had to get a pic of Jill even though she's not dressed for the occasion and doesn't have her hair done. She was happy to oblige me with a smile!

After I had Jill dressed in her shirt I did another few pics of the two of them...

Friday, February 4, 2011

SNOW day!

So we woke up Friday morning to a beautiful snow scene. After the COLD icy days earlier in the week it was so nice to have fluffy, soft snow and the temperature was in the high 20s- definitely bearable. First we decided to walk over to the park across the street. Here it is from our house.

There is our house. It looks so pretty covered in snow.
Then I decided to try my hand at snow angels.

Later in the morning we went down to the pond in our neighborhood for some sledding. (see videos below).

To finish off the afternoon we made a snowgirl in our backyard. Jill and Jane helped me fill buckets and dump them on our forming snow person.

Jane got a little silly with the buckets.

Here is our finished snow girl. Pretty small but bigger than last years!

After our snow girl was built Jill says, "I cold. I go in the house." So I thought she was ready to go inside but instead she turns around and does this...

What a great snow day!!! Thanks so much Mother Nature!


Jay had the fantastic idea to take the girls down to the duck pond by our house and sled down the hill. He took off the trash can lid and headed down to scope it out. He was gone for almost an hour. So we donned our ski wear and went sledding. Here are some videos...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jane's Wedding Day

Jay and Joanne Sparks request the honor of your presence
at the wedding of their daughter Jane.
(Just please ignore the mess in my living room!)

First Snow (ice) of 2011

Happy Snow day everyone! We felt lucky to have an extra Saturday in the middle of the week today (and the verdict is still out about tomorrow!) Here are a couple of pics from the ten-fifteen minutes we spent out in the cold- and I mean COLD!!