For this past week I have been dreaming of floating. I saw on my friend, Jennifer's blog some pics of her little girl's birthday party at an indoor pool and ever since then I couldn't get the idea of floating out of my head. Soo.... I had been planing on going to that same pool this weekend but as it turns out our friends and former neighbors (and parents of Jane's best friend Jennifer) happen to be having an open house at their gym which has an indoor pool so we all packed up our swim bags and with 39 degree weather we went for a dip. That above pic is of the girls just before we went swimming. I didn't actually get any pictures of us swimming because I was too scared to get my camera wet and I was really more concerned about getting in the water!! It was a lot of fun. We were there for a couple of hours! I would go back right now if I could!
9 years ago
dreams of floating...I'll have to go look that up!! ;) I bet the girls had fun! Swimming indoors is always so cool.
I bet that felt great! And I also bet the girls thought it the coolest thing to go swimming in an indoor pool. Love Jane's pig tails. Sophia's hair is almost long enough to do that but she won't sit still long enough for me to try it.
The girls had a GREAT time! Jill is such a water baby- she loves pools and baths and has since she was born! Jane loves swimming too but she loves hanging out with Jennifer even more so they both had a GREAT time!
Swimming in 39 degree weather - what a fun treat! I know what you guys will be doing this summer(well maybe not as much as you would like since you'll have a 3rd with you!!)
OMG! I'm STILL too cold to see children in bathing suits!
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